Professional Cookbooks / Chef Books: Professional Baking - 4th Edition - Le Cordon Bleu

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Professional Cookbooks / Chef Books: Professional Baking - 4th Edition - Le Cordon Bleu

Professional Baking - 4th Edition - Le Cordon Bleu

Packed with new information and over 750 recipes, the new edition of this classic resource offers complete, step-by-step instruction in the art of making pastries, cakes, desserts, and artisan breads. 250 recipes are new, including 175 from the prizewinning pastry chefs of the renowned Le Cordon Bleu cooking school. Winner of the 2002 IACP Award for Best Technical/Reference Book

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Professional Baking - 4th Edition - Le Cordon Bleu


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Professional Baking - 4th Edition - Le Cordon Bleu
Product ID: JWS-0-471-477761-0079
Revised: 2/1/2025

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 736 pages  Hardcover  April 2004  Wayne Gisslen

Packed with new information and over 700 recipes, the new edition of this classic resource offers complete, step-by-step instruction in the art of making pastries, cakes, desserts, and artisan breads. 250 recipes are new, including 175 from the prizewinning pastry chefs of the renowned Le Cordon Bleu cooking school. The book features seven additional chapters, including new material on special pastries, sugar work, and dessert presentation, plus 350 color photographs of techniques and finished dishes.

CONTENTS: Basic Principles. Ingredients. Understanding Yeast Doughs. Lean Doughs: Yeast Dough formulas and Techniques. Rich Doughs: Yeast Doug Formulas and Techniques. Quick Breads. Doughnuts, Fritters, Pancakes, and Waffles. Basic Syrups, Creams, Icings, and Sauces. Pies. Pastries. Tarts and Special Pastries. Cake Mixing and Baking. Assembling and Decorating Cakes. Specialty Cakes, Gateaux, and Torten. Cookies. Custards, Pudding, Mousses, and Soufflés. Frozen Desserts. Fruit Desserts. Dessert Presentation. Chocolate. Marzipan, Nougatine, and Pastillage. Sugar Techniques.

 Winner of the 2002 IACP Award for Best Technical/Reference Book

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